2 Habits To Avoid After Having Your Chipped Tooth Bonded

After having a chipped tooth bonded by your cosmetic dentist, you may wonder if there is anything special you need to do to make sure the composite material hardens until your follow-up appointment. If so, make sure you avoid the following habits that could keep the bonding from setting up properly.

1. Clinging to Your Biting Habits

Whenever you become nervous or bored, you may find that you mindlessly bite your fingernails or chew on a pencil eraser. While it may be hard to keep these biting habits in check, avoiding these behaviors is crucial to keeping your bonded tooth intact, especially if it is located at the front of your mouth.

As you bite down on your hard fingernails or repeatedly chew on an eraser, you create pressure on the teeth that are directly involved in the motion, as well as cause secondary pressure to the teeth next to them. If this pressure builds up on your bonded tooth, the material could crack or become dislodged.

This type of issue with your bonded tooth would make it necessary for your dentist to remove the damaged composite material. Then, they would have to rebond the tooth, which would restart and extend your recovery time.

2. Using Any Type of Tobacco Product

Another habit you should avoid while waiting for your bonded tooth to set up and harden is using any type of tobacco product. While giving up this habit is always recommended for your general health, refraining from using tobacco is vital for taking care of your bonded tooth.

When you smoke or chew tobacco, either of these types of nicotine can stain your teeth. However, since the bonding on your tooth is more porous and softer than your enamel, the material stains more easily and faster. This staining then leaves an unsightly line or spot on your tooth.

However, the cosmetic ramifications of using tobacco when you have a newly bonded tooth are not the only thing you need to worry about. The chemicals found in chewing tobacco or cigarette smoke can break down the composite bonding material. Especially if it has not fully hardened, the bond may not fully take hold, requiring an extra visit and procedure to repair the damage.

Avoiding the above habits can help you preserve your bonded tooth until the material has a chance to fully set up. If you have any questions or concerns, discuss your situation with your cosmetic dentistry office who can give you further advice on how to take care of your newly bonded tooth.
