Do Dental Implants Hold Your Answers? These 4 Questions Can Help You Decide

You may have heard rave reviews about dental implants as the state of the art in tooth replacement technology -- but how can you know whether they're right for your particular needs and situation? Start by asking yourself these four revealing questions about the dental implantation process, the benefits of surgical dental restoration, and what to expect from dental implant services.

Do Bridges or Dentures Give You Trouble?

If you've had made use of dental bridges or dentures in the past, how satisfied were you with that experience? Do you have trouble, for example, with dental appliances shifting position as you eat or talk? Do you encounter occasional pain from bridges that require adjustment or dentures that need periodic re-lining? Dental implants can make these annoyances go away. Metal posts surgically implanted in your jaw aren't going anywhere, so they're always completely stable in your mouth. Your implants should also remain comfortable for life once they've fused solidly with your jawbone.

Do You Have the Patience for the Procedure?

If you need a fully-functional tooth replacement in as little time as reasonably possible, then you'll probably feel happier getting a bridge or dentures as opposed to scheduling dental implants. That's because a the metal screw that forms the "root" of the dental implant requires months to integrate completely with the surrounding bone tissue, forcing you to wear a less-secure temporary denture over it during the healing period. If your jawbone lacks density, you may also need a bone graft before you can even begin the implantation process

Do You Want the Closest Thing to Real Teeth?

Do you feel less than enthusiastic about giving a bridge or denture the extra care and attention it is likely to require? These appliances usually have to be soaked in special solutions to clean and sterilize them, and they can break easily if you don't handle them with care. By contrast, dental implants feel and work like real teeth. You can simply follow your usual brushing and flossing routine instead of dealing with special cleaning products or routines. The metal screws and composite porcelain crowns that make up a dental implant offer at least as much strength and sturdiness as natural teeth, giving you a lifetime of reliable service.

Does Lasting Value Matter More to You Than Short-Term Costs?

Some patients resist getting dental implants because of the up-front cost compared to bridges. Although it's true that a typical dental implants costs more up front than a bridge, the long-term financial picture looks somewhat different. Bridges usually need to be replaced after a certain number of years (which may vary according to the sturdiness of the materials used), while implants are considered a one-time procedure. When the weight the cost of one implant surgery against several replacement bridges, you may find that your implant will cost you less over time.

Give these questions some serious thought, and ask a dental implant services provider, such as Kyle J Frisinger DMD , to answer any other concerns you may have. There's a good chance that you'll want to go ahead and take advantage of this remarkable method for replacing missing teeth.
