Preserving The Whiteness Of Your Teeth After Professional Teeth Whitening

During a professional whitening treatment, the dentist coats the soft tissues of the mouth, which may be damaged from prolonged direct contact with the whitening solution. They then apply the solution to the tooth enamel to produce the whitening effects. Teeth-whitening products often include peroxide as the active ingredient that bleaches the stains from the teeth.

Each time you consume a food or beverage, your teeth are exposed to the colorants in the item. The particles of pigment are absorbed by the pores of the enamel and begin to accumulate there, leading to dental discoloration.

Once the teeth have been whitened, they may quickly become discolored again if certain precautions are not taken. Here are a few ways to help preserve the whiteness of your teeth after a professional whitening session.

Whitening Gum

You can chew whitening gum immediately after eating or drinking to discourage the colorants from settling in the teeth. Whitening gum includes ingredients that help polish the dental stains from your teeth as you chew, such as titanium dioxide or sodium bicarbonate.

The gum also helps mechanically pull bits of food from the enamel surface. Thus, the teeth are left cleaner after each chewing session.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste also includes polishing agents. Although the paste may not whiten the deeply discolored teeth, it can help prevent new stains from forming. 

Most whitening toothpaste still contains fluoride to help protect the teeth from decay. The paste can be incorporated into your daily dental hygiene routine.

Water Rinsing

Rinsing your mouth with water after you consume a deeply pigmented food or drink can help dilute residual pigments and rinse them away. As an added advantage, water frequently contains fluoride to strengthen the teeth. Additionally, the habit of rinsing may be easy to develop since water is often readily available. 

Brushing With Baking Soda

Brushing the teeth with a bit of baking soda can also help you avoid enamel discoloration. The texture of the baking soda helps polish the teeth. Additionally, since the pH of the substance is alkaline, it can help neutralize the bacterial acids in the mouth that dissolve the tooth enamel and cause the formation of dental caries.

At-home Whitening Kits

Between professional whitening sessions, at-home kits may be used to maintain the whiteness of the teeth. The products in the kits are often less concentrated than professional products and may be applied by a consumer.

To learn more ways to keep your teeth their whitest, reach out to a company like Universal Dental Center.
