Protecting A Damaged Tooth With A Crown

Protecting your teeth after they have suffered extensive damage will often require the use of dental crowns. These coverings are able to provide structural support for your damaged teeth, but there are some assumptions about them that you will want to avoid making.

Assumption: A Dental Crown Will Look Different From Your Other Teeth

The placement of a dental crown can be necessary for preventing you from losing one or more of your teeth. However, you might be worried that the crown will be noticeable from the rest of your teeth. Luckily, porcelain and composite crowns are an option that will allow you to have a crown that is able to closely resemble the rest of your teeth. This can make it a very discrete solution that people are unlikely to notice when you are smiling and speaking.

Assumption: Dental Crowns Can Easily Pop Off The Tooth

Due to the fact that a dental crown will fit on top of a tooth, there are some people that may think the crown will be easy to dislodge. However, a powerful dental bonding agent will be used to secure the crown to the tooth's exterior. As a result, it will be a durable addition that is likely to last for many years before it fails or comes loose. You will want to avoid eating especially sticky and chewy foods, such as taffy, as they may put enough stress on the crown to cause the strength of the bond to degrade over time. If you are unable to fully eliminate these treats and foods, you will want to make it a point to avoid biting or chewing these foods with the tooth that has a crown on it.

Assumption: Having A Dental Crown Applied Is Going To Be Painful

There are many dental procedures that can cause a patient to experience considerable pain and discomfort. However, the placement of a crown is typically not associated with intense discomfort. Generally, the discomfort that you will experience from getting a crown will be comparable to what you should expect from routine fillings. The need to adjust to the sensation of having a crown on your tooth will be more disruptive than the discomfort this procedure can cause. Fortunately, most patients will fully adjust to their new crown in as little as a couple of days. After this period of time, a patient may have a difficult time remembering the particular tooth that has a crown placed over it.

Contact a local dentist to learn more about dental crowns.
