A dental crown reinstates a damaged tooth's size, strength, and shape. Although dental crowns are artificial, proper care is vital to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Besides, diligent care is paramount to prevent damage to your crowns. Discover six tips that dentists recommend to make your dental crowns last longer.
1. Maintain Appropriate Oral Hygiene
Treat your dental crowns like your teeth and protect them from bacteria and damage. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss daily to prevent tooth decay. In addition, you could use fluoride toothpaste which protects your natural tooth structure alongside the crown.
Also, your dentist will recommend using a soft bristle toothbrush as hard bristle scratches and damage some types of crowns, such as porcelain.
2. Address Bruxism
You could grind your teeth at night while asleep or unconsciously during the day. In addition, bruxism exerts pressure and wears down your dental crown. So, ask your dentist to provide a mouthguard for protection. Also, if you participate in high-impact sports, have a mouthguard during play.
3. Avoid Bad Habits
Do not use your dental crown for strenuous activities. For instance, you should not chew on ice, bite your nails, or use your dental crowns to open packages. Otherwise, you'll loosen, scratch, or break the dental crown. On the flip side, appropriate habits let your crowns attain their lifetime of 10-15 years.
4. Avoid Troublesome Foods
Most dental crowns are strong and durable but still susceptible to damage. Sticky, crunchy, and hard foods are not ideal for dental crowns. For instance, candies and nuts chip or crack your crowns. Also, sticky foods could dislodge your crown, necessitating a visit to your dentist to fasten the crown. If you eat any of the mentioned foods, do so in moderation to avoid damage.
5. Honor Your Dentist's Visit
Routine dental exams and clean-ups keep your dental crown in good shape. Your dentist cleans hard-to-reach areas and removes harmful biofilm, plaque, and tartar. Other topical fluoride treatments also keep your teeth resilient against damage and decay. Besides, your dentist assesses your dental crown's condition, detects, and treats issues in good time.
6. Handle Damages Early
Different crown materials offer various qualities, with metallic types being the most durable. However, accidents, bruxism, and other inconveniences can break or chip your crown. Have your dentist repair or replace your crowns as soon as you notice the damage. Delayed repair or replacement could further damage or hurt your teeth and gums.
Dental crowns last up to a decade with adequate care and maintenance. But, on the flip side, negligence could harm your crown, natural teeth, and gums. So, follow the above tips to avoid inappropriate habits that loosen, chip, or crack your crown. However, note that your dentist offers the best shot at mitigating dental crown issues early before escalation.