A Root Canal Saves Your Tooth From Being Pulled

If you have tooth pain and swelling, you could have an abscessed tooth. This is when you have an infection in the tooth root from a cavity or crack in your tooth that lets bacteria get in the tooth pulp. A tooth abscess is a serious dental problem since the infection can spread and affect your bone or get into your bloodstream. Plus, you'll continue to have pain until the problem is resolved. A tooth abscess is usually treated with a root canal. Root canals are common dental treatments that can be done by a general dentist or an endodontist. Here's what the procedure entails.

The Infection Is Scraped Away

The infection is removed from the tooth by scraping out the pulp. Removing the pulp removes the infection. Your dentist will also coat the area with antibiotics to kill the remaining bacteria. To access the tooth roots, the dentist needs to drill a hole in your tooth enamel. They can then work through this hole to clean out the infection and then plug the hole when finished.

The Area Is Numbed First

A root canal procedure may sound like it's painful, but your tooth will be numbed just as it is before you get a filling done, so there is no pain. The anesthetic that numbs your tooth will stop the pain from your toothache, so you may immediately feel a little better. The anesthetic also lasts a few hours after the procedure is over, so it helps some with the recovery process. When the anesthetic wears off, your toothache should be gone, but you'll probably still have some soreness that may take a while to go away.

The Dentist May Put A Crown On

It's common to need a crown on a tooth that's had a root canal. A crown isn't always needed, but if your tooth had a crack or if the cavity was a big one, a crown is needed to protect and support your tooth so you can eat with it normally. Your dentist may put a temporary crown on after the root canal and schedule a second appointment to have the permanent crown put on once it's been made in a dental lab. The crown is color-matched to your other teeth so it looks natural.

A Root Canal Procedure Helps You Avoid Tooth Loss

A root canal is the only way to get rid of infected tooth pulp unless you get the tooth pulled. Pulling a tooth is avoided if at all possible since a gap in your teeth can cause further dental problems. Having a root canal with a crown saves your tooth so your tooth can last for many years as long as you maintain good oral hygiene.

For more information on root canals, contact a professional near you.
