Enhancing Your Smile With Inlays And Onlays

Inlays and onlays are a type of indirect restoration that can help you restore your smile and improve your overall oral health. These restorative options are suitable for individuals with slightly damaged or decayed teeth who wish to restore their teeth's natural look. Here is a look into what inlays and onlays are, how they're installed, and how they can benefit you.

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are types of indirect fillings made of porcelain or composite materials. They are custom-made to fit the size and shape of your tooth and are placed over the damaged or decayed area to restore structural integrity, function, and aesthetics. Inlays fit within the grooves of the teeth, whereas onlays cover the tooth's cusps or chewing surface.

How Are They Installed?

The first step in the installation process is to prepare the damaged or decayed tooth by removing the decayed tissue or filling material. Next, impressions will be taken of the prepared tooth and sent to the laboratory for fabrication. In the meantime, a temporary filling or restoration will be placed to protect the tooth until the custom-made inlay or onlay is received. Once the restoration is ready, the temporary restoration will be removed, and the new one will be bonded in place.

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays can restore the tooth's natural appearance, function, and structure. They help in preventing further decay or damage to the tooth or surrounding teeth and can strengthen the tooth. They can also last for decades with proper maintenance and care.

Maintenance and Care

Although inlays and onlays are durable, they are not completely resistant to damage. It is essential to maintain a good oral hygiene routine by brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent plaque buildup and gum disease. Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods that can damage or dislodge the restorations.

Who Is a Candidate?

Inlays and onlays are suitable for individuals with slightly damaged or decayed teeth. If you have severe damage or decay, you may require a more extensive restoration, such as a crown or root canal. It is best to discuss your options with your cosmetic dentist to determine if inlays or onlays are the right choice for you.

Inlays and onlays are excellent options for restoring your smile's natural look, function, and structure. They are suitable for individuals with slightly damaged or decayed teeth, and they can last for decades with proper care. 

Contact a dentist to learn more about cosmetic dentist services
