
Some Wisdom About Wisdom Teeth: What They Are & Common Issues

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that begin growing in during people's late teens or early 20s. Some people need to get their wisdom teeth removed, while others can grow them in without any issues. If you have your wisdom teeth or they're starting to grow in, make sure you know the signs that they should be removed. Why Wisdom Teeth Cause Problems You might be wondering why it's so common to have wisdom teeth removed.

Want Whiter Teeth Without Consequences? Make Sure You Follow These Dos And Don'ts

What would you give to have whiter teeth? Most people are willing to sacrifice some money and perhaps a couple of afternoons in the dentist's chair in order to achieve the bright, white smiles of their dreams. But one thing you certainly should not sacrifice is the health of your teeth. If you're not careful when it comes to whitening your teeth, you might end up with enamel damage, tooth sensitivity, or other problems.

What You Think You Know About Tooth Whitening Might Not Actually Be True

Tooth whitening procedures, including those performed in your dental office and those performed with kits bought from the pharmacy, can help you achieve the brighter smile you desire. However, there is a lot of information floating around about tooth whitening that's not exactly true. Here's a look at some common misconceptions about tooth whitening. Misconception: Paying your dentist to whiten your teeth is a waste of money since the kits from the pharmacy do the same thing.

How To Prevent Complications Following Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Having wisdom teeth removed is a pretty common, standard procedure. Most people endure the process just fine and heal up properly with no major complications. However, a few do develop post-procedure complications like dry socket and infections. You can't eliminate this possibility entirely, but there are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of complications after wisdom tooth extraction. Don't remove the gauze until you stop bleeding.

Chronic Halitosis: Why Do Onions Linger on Your Breath, and What Can You Do about It?

If you eat lots of onions for good health but suffer from chronic halitosis (bad breath), you may wonder if you should give onions up to keep your breath from smelling bad. Halitosis can develop from having too much bacteria in your mouth, decaying food particles stuck between your teeth, and a host of other issues. Bad breath can also develop from eating onions. Onions contain unique sulfur compounds that enhance the vegetable's flavoring and scent.