
The Truth Behind 5 Dental Implant Myths

Have you been considering dental implants as a way to replace a missing tooth but are unsure about it because of some myths that you've heard in the past? If so, you'll definitely want to know the truth about them. Myth 1: Dental Implants Are Painful To Get Since dental implants are a more invasive dental procedure than what someone may have done in the past, there is this assumption that it has to be painful.

Chronic Diseases That Can Cause Oral Symptoms

Chronic illnesses can cause high blood pressure, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, and breathing problems. In addition, certain chronic illnesses can also cause oral signs and symptoms. While oral manifestations of chronic diseases often show up in the late stages, they can sometimes be the first symptoms people notice. Here are some chronic disease symptoms that your family dentist may notice during your routine examination.  Petechiae Small purple dots known as petechiae can show up on your gums, under your tongue, and even on the insides of your cheeks.

Pediatric Dentists: Reasons To Have Your Child See One

Your child's teeth are something you need to monitor because you don't want them to face severe dental issues later in life. A pediatric dentist can help maintain this aspect of your child's health in the following ways.  Make Dental Care Fun A lot of children aren't thrilled about oral hygiene, which isn't good because it can lead to a lack of care and that's when dental issues can surface. Fortunately, pediatric dentists are available.

4 Things To Know Before Your Root Canal Procedure

Have you been suffering from a dental abscess or a large cavity? Your dentist may have recommended a root canal procedure as the ideal treatment for your condition. This is a procedure by which the living tissue inside your tooth roots is removed, and the tooth is then covered with a crown for protection. Root canal procedures are pretty common, but many patients still don't know much about them. It's helpful to know the following information before you visit your dentist for this care.

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

Dental fillings may not be a suitable remedy for a tooth cavity in some cases. Hence, your dentist will recommend dental crowns to cover and protect your damaged tooth. The crowns are durable, so they can last for many years, saving you money.  Also, the dental add-ons offer cosmetic value to severely discolored, stained, or crooked teeth. Therefore, you can restore your beautiful smile and boost your self-esteem. Moreover, crowns can be used to close awkward gaps between your teeth.