Materials To Keep Away From Your Clear Aligner Braces

If you want clear aligner braces, then you will have to commit to wearing the trays for at least 20 to 22 hours each day. This is essential if you want to see continual straightening progress. Your dentist or cosmetic professional will provide you with a variety of other tips and pointers you should follow to ensure success. Some of these tips may involve keeping your aligner trays in good condition while you use them.

4 Reasons Dentures Are More Practical Than You May Think

When most people begin to look at their options for tooth replacement, they might not even want to consider dentures simply because they don't know how convenient and versatile dentures can truly be. People who have had multiple tooth extractions or even those born without many of their permanent teeth have utilized dentures since well before adulthood. Even if you think you know everything about dentures, here are four intriguing reasons you might want to choose them to resolve your tooth loss issues.

A Guide To Your Nighttime Asthma And Sleep Apnea...And The Terrifying Link Between Them

If you have ever woken up, grasping for breath that is not there or you dread strenuous physical activities because you can never be sure that you won't have a breathing problem manifest, you may think that both concerns are symptoms of asthma. Unfortunately, that may not be accurate and it is critical to be evaluated for sleep apnea, which often presents with some of the same symptoms as nighttime asthma flare-ups.