What A Smile Makeover Can Do To Improve Your Appearance

If you have some flaws present with your teeth, and you are embarrassed to smile because of the way you may be perceived by others, having a smile makeover conducted by a dentist is an option to consider. Smile makeovers involve the assessment of the appearance of your teeth, recommendations to improve your smile, and dentistry work to achieve your goal. Here are some of the improvements a dentist can make, leaving you with a smile you will be happy to share with everyone you come into contact with.

Your Guide To Using Dental Implants In Conjunction With Braces

If you have a few things you want to improve about your smile or overall dental health, you may need to use multiple treatments to achieve your goals. If you're missing a tooth or have a tooth with an irregular appearance, dental implants are a top alternative. A dental implant consists of an artificial tooth that's attached to the jaw via a screw.  However, if you have crooked teeth or if your jaws aren't aligned properly, braces can remedy these issues.

Smoking And Dental Implants: What You Need To Know

Dental implants are a great way to restore missing or damaged teeth. If you smoke, you may wonder if you can go through dental implant surgery and if the implants will be a success. Although you can get dental implants as a smoker, you need to know how your habit can impact your procedure. You can still get implants if you smoke, but there are some things you need to know:

4 Most Important Things You Should Know About Dental Implants

If you are considering dental implants as a way of replacing your missing teeth, you may be worried about the procedure. It's okay to experience surgical anxiety. You might be imagining how your tooth roots will be replaced with metal. You might also be wondering how the screw-like posts will fit in your mouth. However, getting the right information is vital in abating fear. Here are four important things you need to know about dental implants:

4 Orthodontic Treatments For Teens And Adults

Tooth misalignment is a natural phenomenon. It's not uncommon for people to have crooked teeth or gaps in between their teeth. However, tooth and jaw misalignments may cause discomfort. Some people don't like the way their smiles look due to these features. Luckily, orthodontic treatment can help. If you're interested in straightening your teeth or correcting an overbite, you should schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. Here are four orthodontic treatments that can help teenagers and adults.